FAULHABER doe call


SKU: 2018.02 Category:

Following two decades of exhaustive observation of deer in open nature, notwithstanding the close attention paid to deer kept in captivity and in cooperation with an expert instrument-maker, we finally succeeded in producing deer-calls which can compare to all other first class products currently available on the market, as far as the fidelity of the produced effects and the true-to-life results of the complete range of calls are concerned.

After swallowing any saliva in the mouth cavity, the doe call (Fiep) is pressed against the lips, making sure no air can escape on the sides. It is held between the lower joints of thumb and index finger, as the other fingers form a bulge above the bell thereby extending it. This muffles the sound and facilitates the exact positioning of the instrument in the desired direction. Air is inhaled abruptly and shortly but tenderly, creating a level tone lasting between a quarter to a third of a second, up until half a second, while keeping its pitch. The tone is audible for app. 150 paces.

The pitch corresponds app. to a “treble A”, perhaps slightly lower. Lesser deviations in pitch occur in nature as well and will not impede the success.

Material: acoustic synthetic alloy, weatherproof
Color: army green
100% Made in Austria


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